
Thursday, April 18, 2019

Reese's Peanut Butter Egg Crispy Crunchy Brownies

I love Reese's peanut butter eggs, and have been known to eat copious amounts during the Easter season. Not only do I enjoy eating them right from the package I think they make a great accompaniment to my favorite treats.

Reeses Peanut butter Eggs Brownies
Reese's Peanut Butter Egg Crispy Crunchy Brownies

This week I made a batch of Reese's peanut butter eggs crunchy crispy brownies that you will definitely want to make and share, or just keep all to yourself. The recipe is very easy, you simply make a batch of brownies(boxed is fine too), add a layer of chopped peanut butter eggs, then add the crispy topping. 

Reese's PEanut Butter Cup


1 pan of brownies, I used this Recipe

8-10 Reece's Peanut Butter Eggs or cups, chopped


12 oz. bag of  chocolate chips
1 cup creamy peanut butter
3 cups crispy rice cereal


Bake the brownies according to the directions of whatever recipe you are using. Remove from oven. Sprinkle the chopped eggs over the top of the brownies. 

In a saucepan over low heat melt the chocolate chips and the peanut butter once melted remove from heat and stir in the cereal. Pour over the brownies and spread an even layer on the brownies. Let the brownies sit and the topping harden then cut and enjoy. 


If you would like more tasty recipes for cookies and bars click here or visit my Pinterest Board here.

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