
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Taste Test Tuesday: Chocolat Chaud Pierre Herme Recipe

I love to make my own drinking chocolate when I am not in a hurry or want to make a pot for more than one person. This is a recipe that I found on the Internet and adapted from Pierre Herme, who is a great chocolatier in Paris. Make sure to use a good bar of chocolate and one that is at least 65%. Also note, this is a small serving, not a jumbo cup as we are use to being served.

Chocolat Chaud

2-1/4 cups whole milk
1/4 heavy whipping cream
1/4 cup granulated sugar
3-1/2 dark bittersweet chocolate, Valrhona, or Lindt, Vosges, or any other  finely chopped

In a 2-quart saucepan, stir together the milk and sugar. Do not bring to a boil, just heat until little bubbles form around the edge of the pan. Add the chopped chocolate and whisk until the chocolate is dissolved and the mixture has thickened. Reduce the heat to very low. Blend for 5 minutes with an immersion mixer or whisk until thick and foamy. Be careful with your immersion blender, keep it under the liquid so that you do not get splashed with the hot liquid.
Makes: Four 6-ounce cups of hot chocolate.( adapted from Pierre Herme) Note: this is not his recipe, it is one that I referenced and made changes to suit my taste and what I had on hand.

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